
Back to the Office! Tips Pilih Tas Kerja yang Paling Pas Buatmu

  Nggak kerasa setelah dua tahun pandemi datang dan bikin dunia pontang panting mengusahakan  remote work  dan  work from home , sekarang kebanyakan dari kita udah akan balik kerja lagi ke kantor. Harus mulai membiasakan lagi bangun pagi dan siap-siap 'bertempur' di jalan menuju kantor. Salah satu hal penting yang harus disiapkan tentunya adalah tas yang akan kita pakai untuk di kantor. Nah kali ini akan diberikan tips bagaimana cara memilih tas yang cocok buat kita pakai ngantor, yuk langsung aja kita lihat! #1 Sesuaikan Tas Kerjamu dengan Diri dan Kebutuhanmu Tips pertama dan terpenting adalah, pilih tas yang sesuai dengan diri dan kebutuhanmu. Nggak perlu menyamakan dengan orang lain karena kamu sendiri yang paling tahu akan kebutuhan dan dirimu sendiri. Untuk mempermudah, kamu bisa coba buat list barang-barang yang akan kamu bawa ke kantor, baik itu barang yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, maupun jenis barang pribadi. Pastikan bahwa tas yang kamu pilih dapat mem...

5 Tas Kerja Pilihan Terbaik

Berikut ini adalah beberapa pilihan tas terbaik dalam masing-masing kategori plus kelebihannya yang bisa langsung di check-out, yuk kita lihat! #1 TAS CONVERTIBLE TERBAIK Grand Ambition Convertible Backpack Covertible |  Banyak pilihan warna |  Strapnya bisa disesuaikan |  Memiliki kompartemen laptop 15" |  Waterproof Dapatakan di sini ! #2 TAS UKURAN BESAR TERBAIK Nylon Pocket Essentials Responsible Large Zip Top Tote Bahan tahan banting |  Harga terjangkau | Memiliki banyak kompartemen  |  Memiliki kompartemen laptop 18" Dapatakan  di sini ! #3 TAS UKURAN KECIL TERBAIK The Mini Work Tote Resleting tertutup sepenuhnya | Strap dan pouch yang bisa dilepas  | Memiliki kaitan untuk ring kunci  |  Dapat memuat laptop Dapatakan  di sini ! #4 TAS MINIMALIS TERBAIK Daily Tote Ada ukuran medium dan large | Sustainable  | Memiliki banyak kompartemen  |  Dapat memuat laptop 16" Dapatakan  di sini ! #5 TAS LAPTOP TERBA...

5 Tipe Kepribadian Tas Kerja, Kamu Yang Mana?

  Nggak kerasa setelah dua tahun pandemi datang dan bikin dunia pontang panting mengusahakan remote work  dan work from home , sekarang kita udah akan balik kerja lagi ke kantor. Mungkin di antara ladies sekalian ada yang semangat ke kantor lagi tapi mungkin juga ada yang males banget sebenernya balik lagi ke kantor. Nah, biar semangat, bisa dong kita shopping dulu buat persiapan back to office , dan sebelum beli tas, yuk kita lihat kamu tipe yang mana. Si Setia Tipe ini adalah yang ngeliat barangnya kayak investasi, orangnya setia ga gampang bosen dan ga suka berpindah hati. Jadi cukup beli satu tas dengan warna netral, modelnya ga ribet, dan bahannya juga harus bagus biar awet. Biasanya harganya emang agak tinggi, tapi emang di sinilah investasinya, ladies.  Si Mentereng Tipe ini buat ladies yang bold dan suka jadi pusat perhatian, cari tasnya juga yang ngejreng dan selevel dengan percaya diri kamu lah ya. Tas itu bukan sekadar tool  tapi juga sebagai sebuah statem...

Of Silence and Lies

"Hey, I had this really bizarre dream last night. It was like a fusion between Pacific Rim, Endless Summer, and Mass Effect all rolled up into one, and-" "Yeah you probably watch too much movies." "…But there's only one movie I mentioned…" "Too much games then." "…" "God, I was so scared, I was almost got ran down by a motorcycle on my way-" "Did you pray beforehand?" "Uh, yeah, I did?" "You probably didn’t do it enough, you should  be more pious." "…" "Hey, when are you gonna finish it?" "Um…" "The lady from across the street has been asking, you know. So does Mr. X and my friend Z." "…" "Why don’t you stack it so you wouldn’t have to go back all over again?" "I don’t know how." "Oh, I can help you-" "No need!" "…" "Hey, why are you so quiet?...

Of Colors and Memories

Pink Soft and cheerful Childish innocence Princesses’ dress Petty fight and winning it A pair of roller blades Still wistfully wishing A grin and eyes full of wonder Contentment Green Fresh and constant The start of an adventure Searching for a fitting piece Self-reliance and confidence Five letters to three Cusp of metamorphosis Prided victory in hand Cultivation Purple Glamour and mystery Shaky steps forward Slippery slope and prickling pebbles Ghosts of past wonders Questioning, keep questioning Empty stares and doubts Slipping, tumbling down Deterioration Blue, green, and purple  Forked lines and intertwined paths Red, pink, and cream Unconscious stares and empty canvas Too pale, too empty A hint of red might do nicely

A Wispy Dreamer

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl with wispy frame and the eyes of a dreamer. She could capture the soul of any objects, be it awaken or asleep, and voice it to the world. Despite her extraordinary talent, only a small part of the world would listen to her tales. Many of them thought of her tales as nothing but an empty daydream, a thing to be ceased immediately. But still, there is that small part of the world. The part that is small in both number and size. Consisted of two little children, both younger than the girl, but with the same wonder in their eyes, just as the little girl’s. Each night, before they went to bed, the two children would decide on two things or persons, one for each of them, and they would ask the girl to tell them of their soul-story. The girl would comply, and her voice would flow until the two children slowly drifted into slumber, and only then the girl would join them. A night of a soul-story is good and beautiful and theirs. But nothin...

Of Writing and Flexibility

I couldn't even remember the first time I write my thoughts... My father has always been fond of writing, and both he and my mother always encourage me to write in a diary ever since I'm little. I remember that I used to write about the simplest thing, the huge rat I saw at a dumpster near my school, the binder book my friend's mother gifted to me out of the blue, the drama of elementary school girls. My entry would be filled by only a few lines about what happens to me that day. Sometimes it doesn't even contain anything particular, I just wrote that nothing special happened to me that day. Although, my inconsistency apparently has shown its seeds even then, since I couldn't write consistently for more than several days. Consistency has always been an enemy of mine in the case of creative process. Writing, painting.... I still can't comprehend how artists can draw their character repeatedly without needing to be in (what I call) Copying Mode (basically it...