Staff of Serapis Sneak-Peek

IN WHICH SADIE TEAMS UP WITH ANNABETH . Well, before this our dearest Uncle Rick has provided us with the encounter of Percy and Carter in 'The Son of Sobek'. In this one, he will generously present us the meeting between two female lead-role from both world. According to Uncle Rick, this particular short-story will be included in The Mark of Athena paperback. But will also have the e-book version, in case you don't want to buy another MoA. For more details you can look up into Uncle Rick's blog here . But, in case you don't want to download it, here is the free sample: THE STAFF OF SERAPIS An Annabeth Chase/Sadie Kane Adventure Until she spotted the two-headed monster, Annabeth didn’t think her day could get any worse. She’d spent all morning doing makeup work for school. (Skipping classes on a regular basis to save the world from monsters and rogue Greek gods was seriously messing up her GPA.) Then she’d turned down a movie with ...