WOOHOOO! A Signed Book by Rick Riordan

HELLO, WORLD(S)! Who wants to join me celebrating over.... THIS! What? the picture is unclear? Well, here ya go... THIS!! Still unclear??? Okay... THIS!!! If it's still unclear then perhaps there's something wrong with your eyes ;p So, on December 9th 2012, about 1.30 pm my time, I won this book. The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. Translated. SIGNED. The only one in the whole universe. Yes, I know, wanna scream out and point finger, WHY YOU?? That's the exact thing I had in mind. WHY ME? HOW COULD IT BE ME? HOW COULD IT BE A GIRL NAMED NUR ROHMAH AZ-ZAHRA WHO'S CRAZY ABOUT PERCY JACKSON AND CLEARLY THE MOST RANDOM GIRL IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE? Okay, a little bit too much perhaps. But I am so THRILLED. And I am not complaining anymore. I don't want to push my luck. I won the book on an event --Indonesia Reading Festival-- in Plaza Festival, Jakarta. The ...