
Liar, they said.
Deceiver, they said.
Untrue, they said
Two-faced, they said.

I was contemplating.
Am I?
Do I?
But I do not lie. I was merely creating alternatives from a hint of truth.
I do not deceive. I was merely subtly indicating of things that may or may not be.
I am not untrue. I was merely not letting out all the truth to deluded minds.
I am not a two-faced. I was merely relieving my contradicting self.

Will you scorn me for that?
Will you scorn me for lending a better reality to sooth frightened hearts?
Will you scorn me for not blatantly speak of what I am not certain?
Will you scorn me for holding the truth to minds who would only repel it?
Will you scorn me for embracing two contradicting poles, even if both are the true me?

If it is so, then perhaps I am true to all your sayings.
Or perhaps, it is you who are too blind to see.


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