Rainbow Rowell's Carry On R(amblings)eview

About a month ago, I bought Rainbow Rowell's Carry On on a whim. Well, not really on a whim per se, since a certain friend of mine had been nagging me nonstop to buy the book. But, I hadn't even think about visiting the bookstore until my class is redirected to an event held by major in our university's central library. 
You see, there's this bookstore in the library stuffed with local and imported books which never fail to make drool each time I so much as glance on its direction. I even have to withdraw my money from the ATM because I didn't have enough, ha. But trust me, it was all worth it. 

Carry On is magic (pun intended). Breathtaking. Genius. RIGHT UP MY STREET. I feel like reading a super-brilliant Drarry fanfic (and yeah, Drarry is my HP OTP aside from the canon Ronmione, sue me). It's magical, lovely, angsty, and simply makes me giddy. Darn, I always have a thing for oblivious pining and emotionally constipated characters. I love the characters, I love the plot, (and the ending, seriously! But I’m not here to give you spoilers, so…) and even though I was a bit lost at first because I haven't read Fangirl at that time, I still enjoyed it. Immensely.

After I read the book (and moping in agony/glee/intense-desire-for-more/whatever it is that mixed feelings after you read a particularly exceptional book) though, my first thought was: “RainbowRowellissobrilliantinthisbookshehastowritemorefantasybookssheshouldstayinthisgenrethisisherforteit’smindblowingasdfghjkl”
Which translated as (in case you are one of those lazy buns who wouldn’t read un-spaced sentences): “Rainbow Rowell is so brilliant in this book she has to write more fantasy books she should stay in this genre this is her forte it’s mind blowing asdfghjkl”
In fact, I convey this very sentiment towards her via Twitter:

 In which she liked but not replied so I’m still not sure whether she likes the idea to change tracks or she likes that I said Carry On is genius…. I favored the first, or even both, but seeing my luck it’s probably only the latter…

Anyway! Every year, Goodreads conduct this award for books, Goodreads Choice Awards, and this year, Carry On was nominated in Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction category (way to go, Rowell!). But sadly, Carry On have to be satisfied in the second place because the first one was snatched by Sarah J. Maas' Queen of Shadows (side note, I haven’t read any of her books). The more devastating news is, Rowell (kind of) promised a sequel for Carry On if it won the award, and she later stated in a tweet that she is a little bit relieved that Carry On didn't win, because it meant she doesn’t have to write a sequel. I’m fine with that, really, I mean who in their right mind would want a sequel for their breathtakingly, lethally, maliciously beautiful pairings anyway??? No one. Yup. Not me...

But on a lighter note, congratulations, again, to our dearest Rick Riordan for years of monopolizing the Middle Grade and Children category, this year represented by Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer.

(For the complete list of winners and nominators in Goodreads Choice Awards 2015, you can go here.)


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