You're So Close But I Just Couldn't Reach You

I wanna hold in you in my arms never want to let go till the end of my path I’ll stay to loving you. I just want to see you. And you to see me. I could only dream about you and wishing a happy ending for you. I wanna reach you, but you seem so far. I wanna reach you but though you’re so close we’re still apart. I wanna break all the walls separate us. But what can I do?

I will love you. Even though you never know. I will love you. Even though I know this love will hurt me. I will love you. Even though I know you will not think about me. I know its crazy, but this is what I feel. And seeing you smiling is the best gift from the Lord. Seeing you crying breaking my heart. I wanna hold you. I wanna hug you. I wanna wipe those tears and take the pain. Let me bear it, so don’t ever let your tears come out but for happiness.

I know this isn’t right. And this love will kill me slowly. But I can’t help myself. And you’re so charming that I can’t let you out of my mind. I fight the world to loving you and stay in love with you. But still you never know about it. But I don’t care. I love you and that’s all I should know. I know that maybe I wouldn’t longer be able to love you. But this is my heart and nobody can tell me that it’s anyone else’s. So, just let me say this to the world. I love you, I love you, I love you.  Forever will be. In my heart, forever you’ll be mine.

Super Junior & ELF


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